
  • To create opportunities for reciprocal power transfers to occur across social lines, allowing for shared support in pursuing self-defined greatness, with an emphasis on this process for leaders
  • To create job training that prepares employees for entrepreneurial endeavors
  • To support local suppliers, whenever possible, keeping business within the community, and focusing on power development for leaders, whenever we can
  • To create a sustainable entity that offers social innovation and community transformation with an emphasis on this process for leaders
  • To foster opportunities for re-definition of self, moving beyond historic labels, career categories, and/or childhood presuppositions
  • To raise awareness of our need to be more human each day, and as such, to engage humanity much more intentionally
  • To celebrate the individual, AND to tie the value of the individual back to the communal
  • To equip people with the ability to hold their own notions, both of themselves and others, loosely enough to consider other possibilities (to raise awareness about binary thinking and what it creates—to increase polarity management)
  • To celebrate the blessing of rest in real, concrete, and evident ways, and to liberate people, with an emphasis on leaders, to experience rest unapologetically
  • To expose participants to asset based community development and empower them to come alongside a community in service towards that community’s felt need(s)
  • To enjoy being relational again, in ways that move beyond the “duty” to be connected


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