Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, donations can be made in 1 lump sum, if that is your preference.

During your initial set up, you will provide us with the banking or credit card information, along with your preferred date of the month for deductions. Your donations will then be automatically deducted from the account provided, on the date you specified.

It doesn’t matter if it is larger than $100 or smaller than $25, we will gladly accept any donation that you see fit to provide. We are just thankful for your support of the L!VE vision.

L!VE, LLC is a registered Limited Liability Company in the State of Illinois.

You will need to speak with a tax professional to discover if part or all of your donation will be considered tax-deductible.

L!VE has partnered with I Have A Bean to create our own signature blends, using a variety of coffee beans from around the globe rated in the top 1% for quality. Additionally, L!VE has a partnership with River City Roasters, a growing coffee company from Wheaton, IL.  Aside from providing us with incredible blends of coffee and decaf, River City has also taken on the role of training our team to become baristas extraordinaire, guaranteeing quality knowledge and service with every cup.

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